So finally: 1 day before christmas we did it!
Here is our next stable release after half a year of development
We have worked on bug fixing and added some new features!
General work we did
Bug fixes & new Features
- We worked much at our flash render backend. After Flash 11 was been released we now can make use of a non beta API and for this, which has made this implementation more stable.
- #9: There is now <x3d src=’foo.x3d’ /> tag support. This allows integration of 3D content like native images. But be careful, this will only work in a client/server environment due the fact that we have to use the XMLHttpRequest functionality.
- #15, #33, #50: We have redesigned our multitouch support. It now works on iOS devices and multitouch setups with Mozilla. For Android and Firefox there seem to be some bugs in the android implementation and this should work only after these bugs are closed.
- #16, #27: We worked on the WebGL-backend, reducing the shader complexity to run on mobile hardware. The shaders are now chosen using a cabs-like system.
- #38: We have added support for billboards.
- #41: We have redesigned our build system.
- #45: We have implemented functionality for reflecting inlined scenes into the namespace of parent scenes. With this it is now possible to access elements from the parent scene to address elements within the inlined scene. Due to the lack of supporting such a concept in the X3D and HTML standard we have made use of a custom extension (see field nameSpaceName).
- #51: We also implemented functionality for inline support in a flash render setup.
- #56: We added support for the the <param> tag. This allows to parameterize the framework at a single point.
- We have extended our triangulation code for generating triangles out of concave geometry.
New components
With the new component model in X3DOM we have added the first two components, not natively included in our core profile
We wish you all a merry christmas, a happy new year and that we all make use of our good intentions.