23.07.2010 Uncategorized
The new instantMini version, build on OpenGL ES directly and not WebGL, provides an WebKit layer which supports x3dom content. It was tricky to get everything through the stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString method but finally it works.
The current App does not just support X3D elements in the DOM but also additional elements to configure the vision subsystem (e.g. Marker). This system will also be shown on the Web3D booth (#1024) at siggraph next week
22.07.2010 Uncategorized
Following our own Fallback-model we support now Internet Explore 8 in x3dom. This setup utilizes not WebGL for rendering but needs a installed X3D-SAI plugin.
We use a modified version of the SAI-importDocument-service to import the DOM-data and this is only available in the plugin version of InstantReality right now. You have to install and register the daily-build version.
Not everything works yet and you have to install an extra ActiveX-Plugin. On the other hand you get the high-performance C++-implementation which supports all X3D-profiles and some extra feature: Like Raytracing your data in realtime.
We will demo this version during siggraph next week at the Web3D booth (1024). Come by to see the whole setup running.
Timo added the new dynamic shader-composer code with example. We now support multiple dynamic lights and everything is (again) lit per fragment.
The new code support all X3D light types (PointLight, SpotLight and DirectionalLight ) and Fog. This also the bases for the CommonSurfaceShader implementation.
20.07.2010 Showcase
Another great “third-party” show-case. This one is from Steve Smith. There are some texture-issues and therefore it only works in Firefox 4.0 beta right now. The scene is Bristol City Harbour although the scenario fictitious. It is being prepared as a proof of principal for using x3dom/web3d to represent thematic data on climate change in cities.
The model uses 25cm aerial photography draped on a much thinned LIDAR digital terrain model provided by the British National Rivers Authority (NRA). The overall project is : Suburban Neighbourhood Adaptation for a Changing Climate (SNACC) at the University of the West of England.
Nikita Mattar put his facebook FriendGraph3D online.
The interaction is still very limited (there are some basic feature still missing in x3dom ) but this a nice showcase for animation done with the follower node-component.
15.07.2010 Uncategorized
x3dom supports a generic <Texture> node already for months. This node does not reference an external source directly (like ImageTexture and MovieTexture) but uses an HTML5 tag (img, video or canvas) as pixel source:
<Texture> <img src=”…” > </Texture>
<Texture> <video src=”…” > </Texture
<Texture> <canvas width=’256′ height=’256′ > </Texture>
12.07.2010 Uncategorized
Yvonne added most (but not all) chaser and damper from the Follower-component. There is also a simple examples which demonstrates the Position-, Orientation and Color-Chaser functionality. This is, after the Interpolator-component, the second and last animation component form X3D we propose for the HTML-Profile. Every other animation has to be done with javscript or (3D) CSS Animation.
09.07.2010 Uncategorized
We have an official spot at the web3d booth (Hall J, booth 1024) and demo the latest features related to the x3dom.org and instantreality.org frameworks.
Come by to see some interesting demos, talk to the developers and chat about the idea, design and implementation issues you have.
07.07.2010 Uncategorized
Just a really simple example right now but this is really cool. We now support CSS 3D Transforms and CSS animation on X3D-Nodes. This only works in WebKit-based browser (Apple-WebKit and Google-Chrome) right now.
It only works on < Transform >-nodes but you can use all forms to style your actually transformation.
More example coming soon.