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Showcase from UMIT Research Lab at Umeå University

30.09.2011 Broken Showcase

UMIT Research Lab in Umeå uses X3D to guide visitors to the correct office. The app runs on a big touch screen by the entrance. When the visitor clicks a name, a picture of that person pops up and the corresponding office in the 3D model of the lab is being pointed out.

RF Propogation Body

13.09.2011 Showcase

Another external use case using our technology.

Firefox mobile with WebGL support

12.09.2011 Showcase

X3DOM runs now on mobile devices with the standard WebGL shader composer: above are screenshots from an N900 and an Android device running the latest Firefox build (Beta 7).

Hint: Watch the size of your 3D content. The devices are not as capable as desktop GPUs. In addition, some devices are still rather fragment-limited — so obviously, we have some TODOs here concerning shader optimization…

Historical lighthouse with x3dom

06.09.2011 Showcase

Another great external show-case from Sandra: The just completed project on lighthouse technology and history, which uses lots of HTML5 and also X3DOM to explore a 3D model of an Irish lighthouse. Hovering over some of the 3D objects in the scene gives additional historical information about the lighthouse. Attention: The model is nice but takes quite some time to load.
